Rasha Wafa

Rasha Wafa


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Hey! I'm Rasha, Mixed girl, 24, from Dakar, Sénégal. i'm a Sales Manager in a painting factory. And a part time model and pastry-maker.
i'd like to receive make up products, new fashion trends, fitness and sports. but also about travelling and new Apps!
But more about Clothing and Apparel, Fitness, Health and Beauty, Electronic & Apps, Sporting Goods and Why not Skin care and Hair Care Products.
i'm really active on social medias, and more on Instagram where i know about new trends worldwide!

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.81%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 93
View Average 980
Play Average 3K

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I will demonstrate and make a 3 minute long video using cosmetics sent to me
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I will demonstrate and make a 3 minute long video using cosmetics sent to me

I will promote the product on my story
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I will promote the product on my story

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