Raquel Lynn

Raquel Lynn

United States

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Raquel Lynn lives in Los Angeles, California with her husband Adam and Pomeranian Mango. She loves cowboy boots (obviously), sequins, all things sparkly, cowhide, creating, cooking, Pomeranians, Paint horses, a good sale, flowers, wine, goat cheese, photography, flats, Bravo TV, barrel racing, turquoise, palm trees and sunshine. Raquel created Horses & Heels in 2010 as a personal blog with a handful of readers and now the site receives thousands of daily readers. Raquel also was able to quit her job in 2013 and now runs Horses & Heels full time, she also contributes weekly to Cowgirl Magazine online. Horses & Heels is an online lifestyle site for home, style, the barn and horse. At [link-omitted] you will find beautiful home décor, fun DIY projects, designer spotlights, fashion, cowboy boots, barn tours, product reviews, and original recipes.

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