Quite Decent

Quite Decent

United States

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To get past the formalities, I'm a single working professional in his early thirties living in New York City, who works in technology and has an appetite for quality design, and innovation. On YouTube, I maintain various playlists including my most popular list called "Decent Reviews" where I explain very insightful observations about products based on their design and performance. See examples below:


Hobbies include rock climbing, acro yoga, running, kickboxing/martial arts, modeling, technology setups/projects, exploring concepts, learning languages, and pretty much whatever random activity this city has to offer.

I also adhere to a plant based diet and compassionate lifestyle.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.32%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 14
Play Average 243
Share Average 0

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