Puran Singh

Puran Singh


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Puran Singh From Village Balba Ka Bas in Alwar, Rajasthan. I have 3yr Experience in Website Development and Marketing. Search Engine Optimization (SEO/SMO) Analyst. The SEO/SMO Analyst is responsible for implementing SEO and social media strategies for clients. The SEO/SMO Analyst can quickly understand and support initiatives that will contribute to the goals and success of client campaigns SEO Techniques to get more Traffic for increasing your business. Currently i am Working as a Freelancer. my hobby is Learn new and Write about new. So I am starting a new blog. I have knowledge about SEO & Digital Marketing. my Blog Guide about Health Tips, Sports Tips, Fashion Tips, Tech Tips, Business Tips, Beauty Tips, Technology Tips, and Guide about all Type Education Courses Tips. I have good Followers on all Social Channels.

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I will Reshape with my followers to help promote

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