Good morning, good morning, good morning! Welcome to my bio. I am Pupp T. your host for this introduction. I am a modern homesteader, YouTube's number two modern homestead channel, self-proclaimed of course. My homestead is located in the Eastern half of Tennessee, near Jackson, TN, and Memphis, TN. You can view the homestead and all the activities that I do on it by checking out one of the social media accounts posted. I have worked in homesteading, modern homesteading, farmsteading, hobby farming, whatever you would like to call it for the past two years. I raise meat goats, chickens, heritage breed turkeys, other fowl, pigs, and dogs on the homestead. Each day is certainly a new adventure, one you probably did not experience the day before. In addition to homesteading I love to hunt, fish, camp, and any other activity that puts me in nature. I find nothing more satisfying than being outside. The big question is how did I end up where I am now. Well, that is a simple complex answer. After retiring from the Army I started a tattoo business (which I still currently own) and as much fun as that is, it keeps you indoors all day long. I needed a change and packed up my house and moved from the city to the country. I was no longer going to be apart of the hustle and bustle of that city life. This was not only a great idea to move away from the city, but the country has opened up my creative side more than ever. Activities I am involved with are hunting, fishing, camping, hiking, drawing, painting, gardening, investing, and probably a few more I have forgotten. As a hunter, I hunt with a group of Wounded Warriors with the Wounded Warrior Project. I also hunt with my girlfriend and kids whenever the opportunity presents itself. Fishing, camping, and hiking are usually combined into one weekend. I have a brown thumb when it comes to gardening but I will not give up! My latest activity is investing and I have the bug. I use apps like Robinhood, Webull, and Fidelity to conduct my online investing. If there is any more you would like to know about me please feel free to reach out to me!
Pupp Westfall
United States
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