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Welcome. Greetings. Writing and sharing something useful is my passion. Blog, Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok social media I use to write and share ideas. I am also VERY INTERESTED in working with any party that intends to market or promote the brand to be known to the community. Thank you so much.


Selamat datang. Salam sejahtera. Menulis dan berkongsi sesuatu yang bermanfaat menjadi minat saya. Blog, Twitter, Instagram dan Tiktok media sosial yang saya gunakan untuk menulis dan berkongsi idea. Saya juga SANGAT BERMINAT UNTUK bekerjasama dengan mana-mana pihak yang berniat untuk memasarkan atau mempromosikan jenama agar dikenali masyarakat. Sekian terima kasih. 

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Some of their offers

I will make the best review on the Perdu Cinta blog.
Post on Blog

I will make the best review on the Perdu Cinta blog.

I will SHARE
Social Share on X/Twitter

I will SHARE



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 9.55%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 10

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I will Create an unboxing video for your brand
Social Share on Instagram

I will Create an unboxing video for your brand

I will review your business on my blog from parents point of view
Post on Blog

I will review your business on my blog from parents point of view

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