"NoStop" Heidi Weber

"NoStop" Heidi Weber

United States

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Heidi Weber is a Landmark US Higher Ed Whistleblower, Advocate, Speaker, Public Personality and Legal Client Spokesperson

Heidi and her story were featured as the season one finale of CBS Whistleblower with Alex Ferrer and she consequently became an associate producer for season two.

She's a prior textbook author, and currently writing a book about her story of facing multiple survival challenges and how far she had to reach to find strength to keep going. 

It's easy to see why CBS Executive Producers nicknamed her "the unstoppable Heidi Weber" ("NoStop").

In addition, Heidi is also the host of The Whistleblower Revolution Podcast with NoStop Heidi Weber, picked up and available everywhere you listen to podcasts. Listen in, as real whistleblowers tell their unique and compelling stories, with other special anti corruption attorneys, guests and everyday heroes. This Revolution is definitely #NoTeaParty


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