Nicka Dela Vega

Nicka Dela Vega


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Hello! I am Nicka, an experienced and awarded English as a Second Language educator. I’m also a certified “Teaching English To Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)” teacher under “Teach International, Australia” with more than 5 years of experience.
I received training in the core fields of education in the Philippine Normal University as a language engineer or an English educator. I also have an extensive background in teaching English mostly to Ecuadorians, Puerto Ricans, Brazilians, Italian, Mexicans, Koreans, Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, Vietnamese and French students who want to be globally competitive in the field of language. I am also a part- time host, a freelance writer, copy- editor, book developer and a fervent tourist guide. I’m also fascinated with foreign languages. Now, I’m studying Chinese Mandarin and Korean language for my students. I also hammered the Confucius Institute Headquarters (HANBAN) International Chinese Mandarin Proficiency Exam with an exemplary score. In the future, I would like to help more people especially those who wish to improve their English fluency and proficiency.
I am also a public influencer. You can check out my youtube channel:

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