Nichol Fierro

Nichol Fierro

United States

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Hello my name is Nichol but i preffer to be called Nikki. I'm a super fun mom of 2 teens, my son and daughter. I am a big kid at heart which you can see in my profiles, I collect Disney, magic mixies, my little pony and more! I am also a pet mom we have 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 ball pythons. I live with my fiance, best friend, little brother, mom and dad. My 2 kids are currently in Tennessee with their dad. I love to share my makeup, clothes, jewelry, decorations and collections along with where I got it and details including my personal opinion on the product or item!

To see Nichol's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will post product along with description and my personal review with link
Video Review on TikTok

I will post product along with description and my personal review with link

I will share your product and link while giving amazing reviews and photos!
Social Review on TikTok

I will share your product and link while giving amazing reviews and photos!



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.73%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 6
View Average 0
Play Average 74

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