Nathacha Neff

Nathacha Neff

United States

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My name is Tasha,
I am 32 years old. I am a former certified personal trainer and a workout addict, from France and living in the US since 2011. I am married and my husband and I have a 15 month old daughter that we absolutely love! We have pets, cats and a dog. We love traveling between France and the US but to other countries as well. Spanish being a passion of mine, we spend a lot of time going to Hispanic countries. On a weekly basis, I spend 5 days out of 7 at the gym, lifting weights and doing cardio. My instagram @myfitmomlife represents all of these interests of mine and seeks to inspire women and mothers-to-be to to get in shape or get back in shape, as well as to take care of their mental health and love life.

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