Natalia Podolsky

Natalia Podolsky

United States

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Hello! My name is Natalia, author of [link-omitted], a lifestyle blog featuring plant-based recipes, wellness products, and wanderlust-inducing travel itineraries.

I partner with brands that support a healthy, active lifestyle. My work includes original photo content, short TikTok/reel videos, static in-feed Instagram posts, blog posts, and reviews. I'm constantly traveling so focus on products I can bring with me on the go or use in my own home.

Previous partnerships: Vital Proteins, Goli, Splendid Spoon, Coola, Tula, Nordic Naturals

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Some of their offers

I will create custom content wearing your jewelry products for Instagram
Social Share on Instagram

I will create custom content wearing your jewelry products for Instagram

I will create unique custom content using your products
Social Share on Instagram

I will create unique custom content using your products



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.40%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 18
Play Average 422
Share Average 0

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I will give high quality video about your clothing brand
Video Review on YouTube

I will give high quality video about your clothing brand

I will write a post for you in Bahasa Indonesia or English
Post on Blog

I will write a post for you in Bahasa Indonesia or English

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