Mugniar Marakarma

Mugniar Marakarma


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Mother of 3 Blogger [link-omitted], [link-omitted]. Made >2000 articles and still counting. Cooperated with many corporates/brands, SMEs, and agencies since 2011. Can finish writing as soon as possible, within 24-48 hours.

I usually make contents for many corporates/brands, SMEs via my social media accounts, like Twitter, Facebook, dan Instagram. I do make marketing content also for another website and social media.

I like to share some informative news as long as it doesn't conflict with my beliefs. I like share about SME's and corporate products too as long as it doesn't conflict with my beliefs.

My active blog is:


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Some of their offers

I will share SME's or corporate's product that may have consumer at Indonesia
Social Share on X/Twitter

I will share SME's or corporate's product that may have consumer at Indonesia



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.09%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 11
View Average 3K

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I will Review Your App !!
Video Review on YouTube

I will Review Your App !!

I will write a blog post about your product or service
Post on Blog

I will write a blog post about your product or service

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