Morissa Mercaldo

Morissa Mercaldo

United States

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I am a yoga instructor & independent wellness/fitness consultant. In addition to teaching over 12 live yoga classes per week, I organize and run fitness and health related support/education groups and challenges online.
I also enjoy learning about and experimenting with healthy food and fitness trends; playing outside; and using technology to teach about health and wellness. Finally, I do enjoy both preparing and eating food quite a bit; and just hanging out with my friends and family.
I am interested in products like fitness clothes and equipment; healthy living products such as skincare & organic food products. Technology products for creating photos & videos are also useful in my business. Cooking and food prep products are welcome. And lastly, casual clothes for just being a regular person on weekends and holidays would be great.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 18.18%
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View Average 51

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