Sol Razo

Sol Razo


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Hi! I'm Sol!

I'm a freelance web developer, digital strategist, writer, media relations specialist, and an events manager--a work-at-home mom behind the Certified WAHM.

[link-omitted] is a lifestyle blog of a woman, wife, mompreneur and a work at home mom.

As a lifestyle and mommy blogger/influencer, this is my online space where I feature products and services from different brands, share about some of my personal views on what's happening around and what I've learned and researched.

As of January 2021, [link-omitted] was recognized by Blog FeedSpot as one of the Top 100 Philippines Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021 at Rank #14 and Rank #9 at the Top 80 Philippines Lifestyle Blogs, Websites & Influencers in 2021 category. I started receiving recognition since 2017 humbly starting from rank #95.

Other blog sites:



and our online magazine [link-omitted]

My blog sites and other social media channels are open to any form of collaborations: advertisement, event representation/coverage, blog/social media feature for brand/product or services, reviews, hosting a giveaway, curated/sponsored contents, etc. I'm also open for any digital ad collab. LET'S WORK TOGETHER and contact me by sending your requirements and partnership proposal.

To see Sol's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.81%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 7
View Average 202

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