Mellicia Marx

Mellicia Marx

United States

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Mellicia Marx is a personal stylist for women in the Seattle area. She has worked with hundreds of clients. Each client receives a personalized webpage to help her choose items that work her her personal style, body type and budget. Many of her clients are women in technology. Her community survey revealed that the majority of members have a household income between 100 and 250K+ and have at least a 4 year degree. Mellicia also is active in the community, volunteering to style homeless youth each month. She is a huge fan of products that give back or contribute to make the world better. Her previous career is in philanthropy, so she's also a local resource for giving back. She loves wallpaper, interior design, social justice issues, a wide range of music, vinyl, shoes, clothes & accessories. She has an intellectual eight year old son who also loves style and is married to a UX designer, landscape photographer, well dressed man who is into aquascaping (fish tanks with live plants). She also likes natural products, stationary and print materials, products that celebrate diversity, plants and home improvement. She has two cats and a puppy on the way. She's obsessed with Marimekko and Mara Hoffman. 

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