Meir Amarin

Meir Amarin


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During the past two decades, Meir has been intensively involved with several leading global corporations, in meaningful business leadership positions. 

These world leaders in innovation include 3M, Unilever & American Express GBT (where he served as part of the local management team in Israel). Meir helped propel groundbreaking startups such as Actelis Networks Inc., iSTAR UAV, & his own HLS venture. Meir is a former business development manager for Israel-America Chamber of Commerce and also provides ongoing business technology scouting insights at Advisory Board capacity. 

Meir’s experience provides an opportunity to look around, learn and identify new and growing trends in the global business arena in general and the technological startups eco-system in particular. His collaborative, hands-on & professional attitude defines a management strategy to bring out the best for each project and situation. 

Meir is deeply connected with Israeli innovators, entrepreneurs and researchers who are building legions of new technologies and products that keep improving the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the globe. 

Meir recently accepted an invitation to advise the Governor of Wyoming and his non-profit Jackson Hole Technology Partnership, as Innovation Advisor & Advanced Technology Scout.  The mission of the JHTP is to find cutting-edge technologies relevant to rural peoples and accelerate their accessibility on a global scale.  The JHTP’s Strategic Counsel recently asked Meir and GlobalStart also to help stand up the JHTP’s global Stone Soup Initiative - an operating Virtual Reality platform accessible by all people of the world, to accelerate their time-critical solutions.

He specializes in disruptive technologies, innovation leadership (Certified Innovation Facilitator - Xinova), global business development, and technology scouting. Meir is well connected & respected globally.             

Meir holds an Executive Master in Public Administration (Management & Budgeting Control) from Tel Aviv University. He specializes in disruptive technologies, innovation leadership, global business development, and technology scouting. Meir is well connected & respected globally.           

Over 20,000 followers at LinkedIn. [link-omitted] 

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