Mariona Dalmau

Mariona Dalmau


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When someone asks me who I am, usually I like to introduce myself as Mariona Dalmau with a big smile, without adding ”I am an interior designer”. This is how I like to be named by the people who have worked with me or visualised my designs.

This is usually followed by ”Where are you from and how did you get to Switzerland?”. You know what? I love receiving these questions because when thinking about it, they send me back to when I was 18 years old. Back then, I left my beloved hometown Barcelona and was welcomed by the city of London where I developed both professionally and as a person. My first acquired skills included learning how to draw a floor-plan, and personality-wise I learned how to co-exist with different cultures in a cosmopolitan and avant-garde environment. The mixture of visions and practical experiences, alongside my extensive travel journeys, forged the versatility and authenticity of my designs. Zurich has been my latest great adventure and the door to start creating my own works.

When people hear this, the conversation typically goes into more depth and the third questions pops up: ”So, how are your designs?”. And this is where we get to the most emotional part. Each project is a unique concept by nature and a part of my personality always remains inside of it. I love to get back to my clients to see how their life evolves in symbiosis with my creative work.

My biggest inspiration is nature. As a Mediterranean person, the sea is always part of me and the movement of waves is a balm for my senses. Hence, my designs could be described as very eclectic and emotive. My main task is to create the appropriate sensation that each space requires. The core elements to achieve this are the corresponding colours, materials, lighting and textures.

I always say: The day that society understands that an interior designer does not sell furniture, but transmits emotions, we will understand that we all need one.

Mariona Dalmau

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