Marida Simpson

Marida Simpson

United States

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Hello My name is Marida and I create Natural Hair, Modest Fashion, Mommy Life & Lifestyle videos on my YouTube channel. Free 2 Be Kinky is the name of my channel, and it started out as natural hair channel to encourage women to embrace their natural hair that God gave them. As time went on my subscribers started asking for fashion videos, and that’s how modest fashion made it’s way in. I dress modestly to represent my faith. I’m a Mommy if 2 beautiful children Lauren (5) & Tré (2) and from time to time I include them in videos. Overall I enjoy creating content for my audience, and giving suggestions for things they can purchase by making reviews for various companies.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 4.68%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 15
View Average 75

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