maria Josefina

maria Josefina


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HR Profesional, Motivator, Self Development Coach, Financial Advisor, Mental Health Speaker, Career Coach I  have hobbies like writing, reading, and singing.

My daily activities are mostly as an HRD consultant and also a speaker on mental health and self and career development and is active as a content creator on Helo, Tiktok and also other social media as an education and motivator for the community.

i am a woman who is active and providing education and also as a content creators, regarding self development and bringing good changes to life, my activities also fill many events at the clubhouse app and also webinar sessions and online events with professional friends on linkedin and conten creators.


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Some of their offers

I will Make a Review, Opinion With My Experience
Social Share on LinkedIn

I will Make a Review, Opinion With My Experience

I will Review Brand or Opinion With My Experience
Social Review on Facebook

I will Review Brand or Opinion With My Experience



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.66%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 12
Play Average 204
Share Average 0

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I will advertise brand product
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I will write a Post
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I will write a Post

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