Marelize Faber

Marelize Faber


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Hi! I’m Marelize, and I started my YouTube channel in January 2020. Since then, I’ve gained 3.85K subscribers on my 74 videos where I review wigs, toppers, lifestyle, art, rejuvenation procedures, and my Bambino cat, Lily. I see steady growth in my ratings and number of subscribers each month as I continuously learn to harness the powers of YouTube to create and share the world of Mamalize! 

I have always been a creative, and I have been able to channel my creativity into all sorts of arts and crafts after my corporate career. Now, I love sharing all I’ve learned with my subscribers, whom I promise to always tell the truth about products I am reviewing, even if it is a paid advertisement. My loyalty is to my customers, so honesty is my policy – and good wigs! 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 56.32%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 22
Play Average 430
Share Average 0

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