Manisha Sahu

Manisha Sahu


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The journey of Manisha Silk began in the year 2017 with the opening of our first manufacturing unit in Chhattisgarh,[link-omitted]h includes 50 handlooms and 30 powerlooms and a total number of 60 weavers.

Manisha Silk Weaver abides by all the tested results-Material testing, Quality Check, Durability and also Silk certification of the approved products. Which means the customer gets the original product

Manisha Silk Weaves was founded by Mrs. Manisha Sahu; a creative entrepreneur ; a saree enthusiast ; a dreamer. manisha silk weaves had modest beginnings; envisioning for a grand future in Online Store i.e. Manisha Silk Weaves; one that would transcend time for generations to come. It was her vision that revolutionized a humble weaving unit into what it is today, a conglomerate with diverse business interests, providing you a huge variety of TUSSAR SILK,DUPION SILK..

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