I love being well rounded and experiencing everything :) my personality consists of Love for exercise health nutrition over healthy living mentally and physically which means self care also so products for hair make up skin and diet supplements snacks food work out gear clothing ect . Healthy living also means no clutter being organized prepared and being able to cook healthy foods so I love things that make life simple or aid in everyday life and it’s a bonus if it’s cute !
Lilli 2silly
United States
Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 1.81% |
Comment Average | 31 |
Like Average | 1K |
View Average | 8K |
Play Average | 14K |
0-500 | 12.71% |
500-1000 | 11.79% |
1000-1500 | 8.54% |
1500+ | 66.96% |
Male | 89.80% |
Female | 10.20% |
13-17 | 1.72% |
18-24 | 18.25% |
25-34 | 46.12% |
35-44 | 24.29% |
45-64 | 9.60% |
65+ | 0.02% |
Genders per Age
13-17 | Male 1.12% Female 0.60% |
18-24 | Male 14.82% Female 3.43% |
25-34 | Male 40.74% Female 5.38% |
35-44 | Male 23.73% Female 0.56% |
45-64 | Male 9.36% Female 0.24% |
65+ | Male 0.02% Female 0.00% |
Asian | 24.75% |
African American | 9.02% |
White / Caucasian | 54.35% |
Hispanic | 11.89% |
Top Languages
English | 72.75% |
Spanish | 7.44% |
Portuguese | 3.02% |
Indonesian | 2.95% |
Top Interests
Restaurants, Food & Grocery | 37.65% |
Television & Film | 36.28% |
Cars & Motorbikes | 35.98% |
Sports | 30.26% |
Camera & Photography | 30.09% |
Toys, Children & Baby | 29.70% |
Music | 29.27% |
Friends, Family & Relationships | 29.10% |
Clothes, Shoes, Handbags & Accessories | 28.63% |
Travel, Tourism & Aviation | 26.20% |
Art & Design | 23.80% |
Electronics & Computers | 23.55% |
Top Countries
United States | 52.88% |
Indonesia | 6.53% |
Canada | 2.75% |
Brazil | 2.61% |
Thailand | 2.48% |
Australia | 2.38% |
Mexico | 2.34% |
Top States
California | 23.48% |
Texas | 3.05% |
Nevada | 2.51% |
Hawaii | 2.44% |
Florida | 2.14% |
New York | 2.04% |
Washington | 1.21% |
Top Cities
Los Angeles, US | 8.91% |
Honolulu, US | 1.57% |
New York City, US | 1.41% |
San Francisco, US | 1.37% |
San Diego, US | 1.17% |
Las Vegas, US | 1.17% |
Singapore, SG | 1.04% |
* This data may be out of date.