Though I live in Singapore, I travel to almost every part of the globe 80% of the time. Half of the time in Europe (eg. London, Copenhagen) and some parts of the States (San Francisco and LA) and the rest of the time in South East Asia. I am away from home 20 days in a month. And since I travel a lot, I am always looking out for bag packs and travel luggages (cabin size) to organise my stuff. I also trek whenever I have the time. I am currently experimenting on the concept of minimalism, so I now look out for biodegradable products, sustainable materials and ethical sources as much as I can help it. These products include daily items that one would use (eg. toothbrush, shampoo, furniture, grocery bags) and clothing. I also love trying out new gadgets/devices that help the day to day person's life. This could mean anything electronic from a drone, a bicycle to as small as an intelligent water bottle. The range is plenty. I also love interior design and have a great appreciation for decor and architecture.
I also love natural remedies that come from herbs or plants as I do not like to consume pharmaceutical painkillers unnecessarily. I value any product that uses solar energy or nature in any way. I do not read a lot but if it's a really good book, I'd usually recommend it on my blog or IG for my readers and followers to hone in on. I read cook books, lifestyle (eg. "How to be a Parisian") and self help. I have a liking for nature and am curious on how the urban lifestyle and nature (maybe farming, hydroponics)could work hand in hand, since I live in a big city.
My social network consists of a lot of artists, writers, poets, musicians, activists and people in advertising, marketing and photography from different parts of the World. I do recommend to them platforms where they could engage with other artists and even apps ( for photography and art) . I do reviews for restaurants that I have eaten overseas at and especially in Singapore but it has to be either Halal, serving only seafood or non meat products (no alcohol).
I love Japanese style items too like a furoshiki or reusable chopsticks/utensil holder, even Japanese style fashion is a part of my wardrobe. I also do bullet journaling so journals and plain books for note taking and stationery interests me. I am a person who will not recommend a product if I don't sincerely believe in it, so I can assure you that it will be a non bias and honest review.
At the same time, I respect all developers and inventors as I am an organizer/connector (maven) to the society I influence so I understand how tough it is for an artist or developer to expose themselves and obtain a good word of mouth from the ground up. My blog is [link-omitted] and IG : LivingByLeoni . My motto or tagline is "Living A Life You Love". Cos I'm aiming to mould a better future through positive thought and influences, in Mental Health and Lifestyle. Educating one's self on beneficial knowledge is also something I advocate.
Please do e-mail me [link-omitted]) or leave a message to connect with me for a product review. If the product suits my lifestyle I would consider to review it and I am willing to provide constructive feedback if you require one, for improvements. Thank you.
Leoni Matahari
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