Leomy Sanchez

Leomy Sanchez


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

My name is Leomy Sanchez, founder of Bloggers Philippines, a freelance writer, Events and Magazine, Public Relation, Social Media Handler, and Social Media consultant. My blog is all about my paid collaborations with different brands/companies/clients, with the privileged of traveling, discovering interesting people, places, and food and sharing awesome lifestyle discoveries!

I've been blogging since 2015, but my experience as a writer dates back to my college days as a publisher.

Why chose me?
~I know your target audience.  And I write for them.
~I always beat your deadline.  
~Research... research and research!  It pays to be well informed.  
~Learning never ends. I make a living out of writing.  It's important that I am happy with what I'm good at and with what I do best, but it is equally important that the brand/client is happy with me too.

Looking forward to working with you!

Thank You

Leomy Sanchez
[link-omitted] / leomy_[link-omitted]
BLOG: [link-omitted]
INSTAGRAM: [link-omitted]
FACEBOOK PAGE: [link-omitted]
TIKTOK: [link-omitted]@[link-omitted]y
TWITTER: [link-omitted]
YOUTUBE: [link-omitted]

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