Ahmad Mujtahidin

Ahmad Mujtahidin


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Hello my name is Ahmad Mujtahidin,

I am a blogger from Indonesia. I have a personal website called [link-omitted], I have taken care of this website from the past until now.

Apart from being a blogger, I am also an SEO Specialist at a local fintech company in Indonesia.

I have been working as an SEO Specialist for 2 years.

Before working at a local fintech company, I worked as an SEO Specialist as well as a local company selling round tarpaulin pools.

Where this company has 5 different sites but the products are sold the same.

1 site in Indonesian, and 1 site in English.

okay, that's a bit more about the work I do.

In addition to working, I am also a freelance website creation from CMS wordpress, as well as making landing page services.

I've been freelance for 2 years, and maintain my personal website.

I hope my website can help you. ^^

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