Larissa Gomez-Rodriguez

Larissa Gomez-Rodriguez

United States

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Hello there!
My name is Larissa and I am a 25 year old based in Austin, Texas, originally I am from El Paso, Tx/ Juarez, Chihuahua. I graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelors in Psychology, Minor in Sociology. I have an interest in all things social, web design, and content creation. I enjoy creating everyday content relating lifestyle, haircare, skincare, and wellness. I intend to be a reliable source for consumers while working with product brands to create captivating organic content.

I focus on channeling my talent and creativity into meaningful and powerful results. I take pride in the work I do and I firmly believe in working hard, working together and having fun along the way.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.06%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 10
Play Average 236
Share Average 0

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