kyla matthews

kyla matthews


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!
time outdoors has been instilled in me at a young age. While I am not teaching, I am outside exploring every chance I get, whether that is hiking, running, backpacking, paddle boarding... basically anything that involves being outside. Being in nature has been a way for me to disconnect and remind myself to slow down and enjoy the moment. Everyone can reap the benefits of the outdoors, but eco therapy is something I truly believe in.

I started my social media platform about a year ago, with my mission of creating a space to provide and share my experiences outdoors, inspire others to enjoy the simplicity nature brings; and most importantly, that there is more to it then just the pretty pictures of popular places you see on social media. Majority of my time has been going into developing my Tik Tok. My Instagram has been something new that I am working on building, but can confidently say I have a strong interaction from my followers and continue to grow my follower base as a way to connect with and inspire others.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 30.44%
Comment Average 104
Like Average 21K
Play Average 250K
Share Average 1K

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