Kelly Wonderlin

Kelly Wonderlin

United States

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Kelly Wonderlin is an influencer recognized through Instagram and YouTube. Kelly’s focus began in the tech space and transitioned to lifestyle over the last couple of years. Her creative, succinct video content captivates viewers’ interest leaving them wanting more and landing her features on a number of news networks such as FOX News, The List TV, and KABB FOX 29 in San Antonio. Kelly has worked with and represented some of the world’s biggest brands including GoPro, MasterCard, Pizza Hut and more. In 2020 Kelly joined the influencer network LikeToKnowIt, a social based shopping app that allows you to instantly access and purchase whatever your favorite influencers are wearing, as well as home goods.

To see Kelly's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will promote your company
Social Share on Instagram

I will promote your company



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.04%
Comment Average 15
Like Average 203
View Average 3K
Play Average 5K

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I will offer an honest & genuine review to bolster the product to my audienc
Social Review on Facebook

I will offer an honest & genuine review to bolster the product to my audienc

I will post your product to my social medias to share with my community
Social Review on Instagram

I will post your product to my social medias to share with my community

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