Juan Carrizo

Juan Carrizo


speedometerThere are 25K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

I´m independent musician from Patagonia Argentina currently living in between my hometown and Mexico City. Live Looping Artist, rock guitarist and multi instrumentalist. 

I compose, arrange, record and produce music for me and on demand. I´m always looking forward to collaborate with good creative people, musicians or not and create something beautiful. 

I´m proud member of several bands in Argentina, México, USA and Lebanon going from soundscape to heavy metal :) 

I´m co-funder of JA! and Funder of AlterEgo Colectivo Audiovisual

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I will write a blog post featuring your product or service
Post on Blog

I will write a blog post featuring your product or service



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.84%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 49
View Average 62
Play Average 1K

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I will I will share the products in my community post also

I will review your business, product, or your brand on my education site.
Post on Blog

I will review your business, product, or your brand on my education site.

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