Jihan Mawaddah

Jihan Mawaddah


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Hello, im Jihan, a knowledge seeker and book worm. Im interrested in mental health, healthy life, fiction, K-drama, bussines, biology education.

Skill : on search engine optimization, writing, canva, and creativity. And i will improve my self day by day.

I have won 30 blogs competition at 2020-2021 and also will improve my self on blogging and other topic of competition.

You can visit my personal blog on [link-omitted] a lifestyle blog

Im happy if you can ask to join with your brand. 

To see Jihan's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 8.26%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 7
Play Average 38
Share Average 0

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I will write about various topics such as lifestyle, parenting and travel
Post on Blog

I will write about various topics such as lifestyle, parenting and travel

I will share any post and story by low vost
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I will share any post and story by low vost

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