Jessica Arent

Jessica Arent

United States

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!
Mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, International CEO, published author, expert subject matter speaker, all while remaining as young at heart as possible, every step of the way, fighting the stereo type of what 55 looks like!
I operate an international company of wellness products, however I find that my real passion lies in influence. Whether that is speaking, teaching or self expression through social media channels, making an impact seems to be what gives me the most joy.
I believe in spreading joy, and positivity in a world that is constantly under fire. I believe we are the disposition we choose and it is incumbent upon us to be a part of a whole collective in which we make a difference, be it with a smile, message or thought.
I have several platforms, all of which channel consistent engagement and following, and I believe that is because I'm authentic and genuine. Moreover I never politicize my platform, nor do I post controversy.
I believe my social media channels are a great reflection of myself, personality and passions.

At the end of the day we may not have much, but our personal brand and our reputation can take us miles.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


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Comment Average 2
Like Average 14
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Play Average 706

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