iam a 23 year old entreprenuer and distant student, currently studying law, I enjoy reading novels of different genre but particularly am drawn to Fyodor Dostoevsky's work aswel as the philosophy of great philosphers such as Socrates,Plato, and Aristotle but that doesn't mean i can't endugle in fiction or romance, i honestly find myself to be a hopeless romantic living vicariously through the charactors in the novel. On days when am not burying myself in my studies, i write poerty or do voice overs with friends, visit new resturants, try different taste, a few personal photograhpy, engage in light make up and on lazy days i watch my favorite anime to summarize it all i enjoy engaging , learning and appreciating different cultures for their unique qualities as they are portrayed to the world.
Jennipher Muyembe
United States
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