Jamie Adams

Jamie Adams

United Kingdom

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

I am a writer and blogger who originally began blogging about books and the environment. My blog has expanded to review films and TV shows as well as theatre. As a lifestyle blog I have posts about mental health, fitness and work/life-balance.

My blog has become popular with adults who are supportive and comment regularly. I am looking for collaborations and sponsored posts. 

I also write short stories and have a published novella so have a real interest in literature. My hobbies include fitness, going to the theatre and enjoying movies.

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I will tweet about your brand

I will engage with a tweet.
Social Engagement on X/Twitter

I will engage with a tweet.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 21.94%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 319
Play Average 2K
Share Average 0

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I will give your product and business 1,000s of views and orders!

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