Jacob Simms

Jacob Simms

United Kingdom

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Hello, I have been building my community for at least 4 years now through streaming, videos and my twitter account which has peaked at 6.4k followers. I specialize in cryptocurrency, online gambling and gaming in terms of my following, but in my personal life I am a musician, gamer, family man, an avid walker and often do 10mile + walks/hikes with friends. I am not afraid to speak my mind even on controversial topics as my belief is to be honest and real with my followers and they are loyal to me for me doing that. I am most interested in doing reviews for music, toys (as I am a big kid at heart), technology as I LOVE tech and anything I can relate to with my personal interests or my followings main interests. You can always count on me for a thorough honest review and to be punctual and loyal to you and your brand

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.89%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 13
View Average 155

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