Irian van Helfteren

Irian van Helfteren


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After I completed sport school in Holland I moved to Austria to pass the ‘Staatliche Snowboardlehrer’ and “Snowboardführer” qualifications that allow you to guide snowboarding off-piste and backcountry. Since 2003 I have lived in the Alps and have travelled the world both guiding and competing in freeride competitions.
Most of my time I ride my bike or board, I also climb, surf, breakdance, kayak and travel the world to find the most epic nature scenneries.
I am vegaterien and love good food, I meditate almost every day.

I love to share my passion and knowledge for the mountains with my guests. Together we enjoy unforgettable days riding the best powder that can be found. We’ll have an adventure, explore epic terrain and have a lot of fun.
Whether freeriding near the piste or in backcountry, doing a hut to hut ski/splitboard tour or heli-skiing, each day is a new experience. However, safety is always the most important consideration. Among others I give safety cuerses to young professional freeriders.

For many years I have competed in Chinese Downhill and Big Mountain competitions. I was the first and only Dutch man to compete in the Freeride World Tour.
Among others I made:
2010 2nd place Freeride Inferno in Ischl Austria and 2nd place Weisse Rausch St Anton Austria
2011 1e place FWQ Adraline Ride in Chopok Slowakije and 1e place Nature Ride in Brand Austria 2012 1e place FWQ Hochfügen Austria 2012 and 2nd place FWQ La Clusaz France
2014 1e place FWQ Graibiburn, New Zealand and 4 th place FWT Charmonix, France

During the summer I run a bike school with my friend Bas Elhorst. At MTB Tours and Trails we provide mountain biking camps all over Europe. In the summer I also work as a photographer, videographer and sport teacher, plus I repair old houses and get involved in a lot more…

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