Imelda Lipata

Imelda Lipata


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I am a mom of 2, 39 years of age. I have been an advocate for fitness. I started working out religiously in 2017 due to my heart condition. Arrhythmia. I needed to lose weight and to suffice my heart rate. By the grace of God, I was able to achieve my goal and started vlogging my journey, hence Imee's Journey on my youtube account. My vlog mostly about working out, reviewing fitness gear like a set of yoga/leggings and tops, travel, and food. I've been receiving Dm's from my IG account for the collaboration of their products but haven't been able to purchase one. I'm looking forward to review the brand/s for any fitness company and others too.

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Comment Average 4
Like Average 129
Play Average 1K
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