Hannah Harris

Hannah Harris

United States

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I’m Hannah and I’m a windows down, music up, stop the car for photos, laugh until it hurts type of person.

 I’m a dog momma to a French bulldog whom we just adopted this year. He is super spoiled and goes every where with us! 

Most of the time you can catch me with a messy bun on my head, no shoes on my feet, and a cold brew coffee in my hand. I may have a slight problem with staying up too late (the cold brew wouldn’t have anything to do with that) and always shopping on Amazon Prime. Heck, my wedding dress came from Amazon.

Travel has changed my life, it’s given me such a heart for people. I love seeing how others live in different cultures and exploring creation.  My husband and I are budget travelers, meaning we sleep in hostels with 8 other people with no AC and we actually ENJOY IT! Ok, maybe I don’t actually enjoy not having air conditioning, but it’s all part of the adventure! We’ve been to 21 countries together, and my goal is to explore 30 before I turn 30! I turned this love for travel into a business opportunity, and now I make travel courses that teach people how to travel on a budget. 

I also own a photography business and shoot mostly weddings and couples. What can I say? I love, love. And as if two business wasn't enough, I also work part time for a local roofing company managing their social media. As you can imagine that all keeps me quite busy, but as hard as I work, I play even harder! 

You've only got one life after all, you better start livin' it!

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