Guy McNamee

Guy McNamee


11K Reach

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Guy rhymes with he Competitive climber Canadian National Climbing Team 20 y/o 7x National Champion Youth B Boulder Panam

"McNamee is 20 years old and lives in Vancouver, BC. His twin brother Kindar is also a top comp climber in Canada, often competing alongside McNamee in national and international events. This year was not McNamee’s first time winning a Canadian National Championship. [link-omitted]McNamee's success in Canadian youth and open comps has led to his inclusion in Canada’s national High-Performance Program, an elite group of athletes training to represent Canada in the IFSC World Cup and Olympic competition.

McNamee participated in the IFSC World Cup circuit in 2022, competing in four lead and five bouldering events. His best performance was in the second Salt Lake City bouldering World Cup, where he came in 15th. He also competed in the IFSC World Championships in Moscow in 2021 in bouldering and lead. Pre-pandemic, he competed in numerous IFSC youth comps, as well as World Cup lead events in Briançon and Chamonix in 2019." - Gripped Magazine

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