Gaz Vogan

Gaz Vogan

United Kingdom

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I'm a 27-year old snowboarder, who travels the world for snowboarding and loves all kind of sports.

I set up my own social media marketing company to allow me to travel and experience snowboarding in as many countries as possible.

It's not all about winter for me, I'm a big fan of all sports in general and spend a lot of my spare time wakeboarding, running, skateboarding and walking the dog.

Because I travel so much, films and books are a big passion of mine, and I've been getting into quite a few podcasts to pass the time on those long flights.

Throughout my travels, I vlog as much as I can, to keep track of all the competitions and create content to look back on in the future. This season I've been filming with the GoPro 7 and the new GoPro Max, editing it together using Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects.

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