Gabriela Mateo

Gabriela Mateo

United States

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My name is Gabriela Alexandra!

With a focus on adventures, fun, wellness and self-care @GabbyAlexa is the place where I express my love for life, health, food and adventure. I wish to share my experiences as an american studying medicine abroad in the caribbean, the advantages, the challenges, the must dos and don’ts, and my journey as I successfully translate all of it into a residency program back home. I hope my posts will be beneficial and inspiring and motivate others to discover new things every day. 

To summarize, I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic, but I lived most of my life in NY, the place I call home. I graduated from Fordham University with a B.S. in Psychology. Throughout my life I have acquired significant experiences from positions in research, management, business operations, the hospitality industry, retail and customer service. I am very good at identifying problems and coming up with solutions, especially based on analysis of data sets. Also, I have proven to be able to satisfactorily manage and direct a group of team members to meet productivity metrics. After exploring all these fields and traveling a bit, I gained the confidence and strength to follow my dream of becoming a doctor. Today I am making that dream come true pursuing a medical degree at the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), in the Dominican Republic, with an expected graduation date of April 2022. 

My super-powers are setting goals and staying positive! 

I am an innate goal oriented and positive person. As an outcome driven person, I am most satisfied when I am busy and working towards a goal and find fulfillment in achievements and productivity. I love learning new things every day, applying what I have learned, and constantly striving for growth and improvements. 

My strengths as an outcome-oriented person keep me energetic and motivated. I like to set small and big goals, and nothing motivates me more than seeing tasks completed. My friends call me “intensa” lol, I just really enjoy carrying through on assignments with determination until the end, quickly engaging in new tasks when old ones are completed. 

My strengths as an outcome driven person go hand in hand with my positive attitude. Being naturally positive is in my opinion one of my biggest strength. I have an upbeat and happy personality and I am quick to encourage everyone around me to see the bright side in the face of challenges. I am very confident in my abilities to accomplish anything I set out to do. I am determined, persistent, and I approach challenges gracefully focusing on opportunities and improvements instead of problems. When tasks get hard and dillydallying, I keep in mind the bigger picture and find ways to reward myself in between to stay motivated.  

I am always happy to share my experiencest

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