Fabian M. Luthfie

Fabian M. Luthfie


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I'm a 22 yo male, living in Indonesia, Jakarta City. Graduated from University of Gunadarma, Bachelor Degree of Computer Science.
Recently, i work as a Mobile App Developer at Infosys Solusi Terpadu, PT. But, further i think i wanna change course of my way of work, im not interested in Information Technology anymore, going forward to try my luck in OHS Industries.

I'd love to try every console game like PC's, PS, especially in strategy category.
Loved to read any books of biographical history, especially on ww1 or ww2.
Loved to traveling around the world.
Loved to eat something new and taste a unique.

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I will give my honest reviews on my Facebook page and groups

I will display and use the stationery in my YouTube video.
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I will display and use the stationery in my YouTube video.

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