Eva Stretton

Eva Stretton

United Kingdom

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

I’ve held my blog at [link-omitted] since 2013. I have worked with thousands of brands and companies worldwide. I’m happy to cover most topics when it comes to writing articles and negotiate a fee that everyone is happy with. I can get articles published very quickly.

I’m also a mum of 3 and I live in Bolton UK. My blog is my main income, I am registered as a self employed publisher.
My other likes and hobbies including - shopping, socialising, raves, clubs, holidays. 

Please contact me with relevant work opportunities

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Some of their offers

I will post your article, or write it for you!
Post on Blog

I will post your article, or write it for you!

I will share your links
Social Share on Facebook

I will share your links



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.23%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 5

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I will tweet your business on my followers (5K)
Social Share on X/Twitter

I will tweet your business on my followers (5K)

I will retweet your tweet
Social Engagement on X/Twitter

I will retweet your tweet

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