Dzulkhulaifah Rahmat

Dzulkhulaifah Rahmat


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Dzulkhulaifah the Mindful Parenting Blogger. My blog is [link-omitted], I like to write about family and parenting, travel, culinary, and technology.

I have "Techno" category in my blog because I believe not only men that have to know and update about technology. So I write this part with a simple words that can be understood by women, and write from "mothers" point of view. 

Not only in technology, I always put my heart when I write everything. I also have a good sense in photography and will provide you the good photos to be posted in my blog or social media. 

I have won many blog and social media competitions as portfolio. 

To see Dzulkhulaifah's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will love to make a review about family products
Post on Blog

I will love to make a review about family products

I will post a short review on my instagram account
Social Share on Instagram

I will post a short review on my instagram account



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 14.82%
Comment Average 7
Like Average 39
View Average 5K

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I will create engaging Video Showcases
Video Review on YouTube

I will create engaging Video Showcases

I will Provide great promotion and engagement
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will Provide great promotion and engagement

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