Dwi Aprilia Kumala Dewi

Dwi Aprilia Kumala Dewi


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I can't help thinking that my laptop is my real soulmate. We have known each other for years. We had finished our thesis together in my college years. We graduated. We still love to stare to each other after all this time. We do a lot of deep talks. We share secrets through some writings. We meet every single day on our own special room. We have our favorite song everytime the deadline comes ("Bet on It"). We share a cup of coffee to survive the nights. We love Harry Potter series so much but we don't need any love spell to stay together. Through thick and thin, I do believe that we both can produce a masterpiece. But first, what about giving us a chance? 

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I will make copywriting for your product.
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I will make copywriting for your product.



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Like Average 10
Play Average 369
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