Demi Vaughn

Demi Vaughn

United States

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I'm a natural hair blogger on instagram and I just started my youtube I turned my instagram page into a hair page and people always ask me questions about my hair and my skin and how I keep thm both so healthy. I'm interested in trying new hair products and other beauty related products such as skin care, and makeup to share with my audience. I've gotten a lot of attention from hair pages and I've been reposted a lot. I started with only 1,000 followers and now I'm close to 3,000. My following never dies or stops growing. I'm really consistent with posts. A few brands have sent me free products to review and another company on instagram named Asodara has labeled me as one of their Brand Ambassadors. I want to continue doing this because not only is it fun but it really fits me and my lifestyle.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 18.14%
Comment Average 15
Like Average 111
View Average 2K

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