David D'Angelo

David D'Angelo


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

I had been a content creator since 2007 and among the pioneering bloggers in the Philippines.  I am also managing a team called Red Cloud Interactive Media which has several other blogs and aside from that is hosting various live streams on Facebook and YouTube. I would love to do a review and feature your products and services and invite people to support you as long as these are truly authentic and of value.  Do not hesitate to contact me because I will be more than willing to help you out.

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Some of their offers

I will create a video review for you
Video Review on YouTube

I will create a video review for you

I will post a BLOG about your Product/Service
Post on Blog

I will post a BLOG about your Product/Service



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 16.98%
Comment Average 4
Like Average 105
View Average 742

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I will post an insta story
Social Review on Instagram

I will post an insta story

I will post a picture
Social Share on Instagram

I will post a picture

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