Dale Palisoc

Dale Palisoc


speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Hi! I’m Dale Palisoc- an advertising professional by day and a blogger by night (and on weekends or whenever I got a spare time). A geek at heart with a never-ending hunger for the cool stuff. Movies and TV series are my weekend buddies.

The Little Binger started off as my writing portfolio. It was not long ’til I discovered that there’s more to it. From then on, it evolved from a humble writing project into a passion project. I like to binge on experiences, food, and pop culture. Expect to read them all here!

The Little Binger was initially a pop culture-centered blog. My passion for film and TV series inspired me to start this but as I got more connections and exposure in the local blogging scene, I discovered that there is more to it. From a film blog, I then expanded into a lifestyle blog. I have partnered with several brands including Coca-Cola, Netflix, and GetGo among many others. Part of my lifestyle niche is travelling as I have been invited by resorts and tourism groups to feature their establishments on my site.

I am not just a blogger, I am also a content creator. Aside from creating blog posts, I also share stories via photos on my social media accounts Facebook and Instagram. 

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