Cymbelly Marzan

Cymbelly Marzan


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Christian. Wife. Mommy. Reader. Writer. God’s work in progress. Business owner. 

Creating Masterpieces of my own brand of art and of poetry.

Capturing Moments of faith in the Lord Jesus, of our family activities, of motherhood and of parenting. 

Collecting Memories that are events, and stories from books and online, sharing things I purchased that I find great and useful.

Cultivating Magnificence of being God's creation, of the improvement of our wellbeing and our environment; musings or messages I learned from life and introspection. 

To see Cymbelly's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will like, comment and share.
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will like, comment and share.

I will write a blog post about relevant topics to family.
Post on Blog

I will write a blog post about relevant topics to family.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.98%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 12
View Average 127
Play Average 377

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I will make you stand out against your competitors and make your company money!
Social Engagement on Facebook

I will make you stand out against your competitors and make your company money!

I will get your money from the fallowers of mine
Social Engagement on X/Twitter

I will get your money from the fallowers of mine

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