Crash Or Pass

Crash Or Pass

United Kingdom

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I am a UK based content creator with a main focus on YouTube and TikTok videos around some of the funny things that happen in the PC sim racing game iRacing. I also have Twitter and Instagram and will be looking to increase my audience on those platforms over the next few months.

My audience mostly consists of males aged 18-54 and they are mostly based in the United States and the UK.

My focus as a creator is around providing entertainment and I would wish to provide useful products or services to my audience that I would also use myself.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 21.43%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 3
View Average 11

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Social Engagement on YouTube

I will engage with brands based on their YouTube content

I will promote your stuff i have more than 16000 followers
Social Share on Instagram

I will promote your stuff i have more than 16000 followers

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