Celeste Abdus-Salaam

Celeste Abdus-Salaam

United States

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Peace and Blessings to All, I am an avid lover of travel and all things travel related! Not only is it my business but it is my passion to make travel easy, stress-free, enjoyable and memorable! Therefore, anything that can be remotely related to travel, I have an interest. I read about travel, watch webinars, write reviews about the places I travel, the places that I dine at, and the accommodations where I stay! I am an accommodations snob! I do not like hotels/motels with outside doors , I require a beautiful view, and I absolutely adore boutique resorts! Besides travel my interests are in photography (to take beautiful pictures), hands on tech activities (i.e. reinstalling computer hard drives, replacing broken laptop monitors, networking printers, etc.), I am also an avid reader and love writing reviews. I have written reviews for survey companies when they are conducting brand research projects. I am a family person who has been married almost 19 years and our youngest daughter is now 15 years old. I am a foodie and enjoy fine dining. I do not drink alcohol, smoke or eat pork or beef. I appreciate all cuisines of food and even enjoy vegan and vegetarian food. In my free time, I love to read fiction novels, leisure time at the beach, spending time with family and friends, spreading positive messages, coloring, find a word puzzles, cooking, playing with our bunnies, cleaning and organizing my home. I do not have a green thumb but appreciate natural beauty. I am not creative but do enjoy art, museums, music, dancing and most things that demonstrate creativity. I am not at all interested in makeup and do not wear much jewelry. I do enjoy clothes; however, I am not a patient or avid shopper. I will spend six hours checking out a property but cannot spend an hour in a mall without feeling like I am going crazy!!! However, I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie because I enjoy amusement park roller coasters, snorkeling, atv rides, and sailing. I look forward to having opportunities to do other activities and exploring the World!

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